Now on to the pictures..the first ones are for a quilt I am making using Moda French General La Petite Ecole and I needed a lot of 2 1/2" strips...the Accuquilt made this a breeze...along with my new Bernina 57 1/4" foot..the seam guide makes all the difference for me! The second set of pictures are going to be a wonky star Countdown to Christmas quilt....another Moda line I just love!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Accuquilt Go! How I love thee!
In February, I finally broke down and bought an Accuquilt Go! and I must say I do luv it! The wonderful team at Accuquilt sent me an email that I had been selected to choose 2 dies and blog about them...this all happened about the same time that I had my back finally I am able to blog about the time-saving, super fun Go! In addition to the 2 dies I received, I have also purchased a few many dies that have made cutting out quilt pieces a breeze. Two that I will show you pics of below are the 2 1/2" strip die which cuts 3 x 2 1/2" at at time and the 5"x5" charm die. These dies alone are a necessity if you like Charms and Jelly Rolls like I do! The most important lesson I learned this week is to position your fabric with the straight of grain vertically on the die....I cut out 80+ solid 5"x5" not on the grain only to find out that they measured at 5"x4 7/8" when I tried piecing my blocks and they didn't match up with my Moda Charm pack. The gals at Accuquilt were so friendly when I called to express my concern that my die was not perfect...I was advised to cut on the straight grain and 'test' the die with a piece of paper..did that and it cut a perfect 5"x5" square..thanks Michelle!
Now on to the pictures..the first ones are for a quilt I am making using Moda French General La Petite Ecole and I needed a lot of 2 1/2" strips...the Accuquilt made this a breeze...along with my new Bernina 57 1/4" foot..the seam guide makes all the difference for me! The second set of pictures are going to be a wonky star Countdown to Christmas quilt....another Moda line I just love!
Now on to the pictures..the first ones are for a quilt I am making using Moda French General La Petite Ecole and I needed a lot of 2 1/2" strips...the Accuquilt made this a breeze...along with my new Bernina 57 1/4" foot..the seam guide makes all the difference for me! The second set of pictures are going to be a wonky star Countdown to Christmas quilt....another Moda line I just love!
For anyone that might have missed me??
Hi...I'm back after a long summer break...well break from blogging...still worked, took care of the kiddos and moved! I have been quilting as much as time has allowed which is never enough for me, but it is what it is and I make the most of it!
I will share my completed projects. I finished my Max & Whiskers quilt and a Woodland Bloom 'stepping stone'-type quilt....I spray basted both as kneeling on the floor, hunched over pin basting just wasn't going to happen! The basting was easy and quilted very smoothly, but I did get some gumming on my needle and I did make sure to vacuum out my machine frequently. I also found out that I won a lovely give away from Don't Look Now...for those of you that have visited here before, you know I am a huge fan, so this was super fab! Now I just need the courage to try out the pattern...her work is so beautiful, I am scared I will not do it justice! Now for the pictures...they are more fun than my more picture of the super, deeduper wonderful Ruby pillow cover I won from Kristyne at Pretty by Hand...she is just finishing up her quilting through Simplify by Camille..take a look-see over there, she is a doll and my first blogging friend!
I will share my completed projects. I finished my Max & Whiskers quilt and a Woodland Bloom 'stepping stone'-type quilt....I spray basted both as kneeling on the floor, hunched over pin basting just wasn't going to happen! The basting was easy and quilted very smoothly, but I did get some gumming on my needle and I did make sure to vacuum out my machine frequently. I also found out that I won a lovely give away from Don't Look Now...for those of you that have visited here before, you know I am a huge fan, so this was super fab! Now I just need the courage to try out the pattern...her work is so beautiful, I am scared I will not do it justice! Now for the pictures...they are more fun than my more picture of the super, deeduper wonderful Ruby pillow cover I won from Kristyne at Pretty by Hand...she is just finishing up her quilting through Simplify by Camille..take a look-see over there, she is a doll and my first blogging friend!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
The day I have been waiting for...
Remember the Moda Progressive Dinner from earlier this year? Well I was the lucky winner from Jenny Garland's blog won the Fresh Fabric Treats book and get this...a fat quarter bundle of Jovial by Basic Grey...yes, a whole big stinkin' bundle of 39 fat quarters!!! I have been patiently waiting for the day for the book to be released.....and tonight was the night...I was watching TV and there was a knock on the door...only the UPS man knocks on the door at my house...then I started thinking hmmmmm I have not ordered any fabric recently that is coming by UPS so I hestitantly opened the front door. What to my wondering eyes should appear but a big brown box with a United Notions Dallas, Tx. return address!! My heart went pitter patter and I jumped for joy...this is just what I needed to make an otherwise crazy day the Sponge Bob for that quote)
Here is what I found in my box:
I just want to say Thank You again to Moda and Jenny for making a little girl like me super happy!
Here is what I found in my box:
I just want to say Thank You again to Moda and Jenny for making a little girl like me super happy!
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Max & Whiskers update....finally!
Wow, didn't realize returning to work after 7 weeks off would be so rough...I guess life did go on without me there! Needless to say I have not have much time for sewing. I finally finished my Max & Whiskers top last night and really love it! I used Camille's Coming Home pattern from her super fab book Simplify. I made it larger by using two charm packs. This is a super fast patern with a lot of impact. I, being a fan of Camille's recommend it for anyone. Enough of the chit is the finished for the backing, batting and quilting!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Max & Whiskers and Camille...what a fun combination!
I bought Camille's book last fall and have been ohhing and ahhing over it ever since. I have a long-distance friend who is undergoing chemo and I wanted to make her something to help keep her warm, snuggly and wrapped in love during her long chemo treatments. Because my quilting time is very limited due to surgery I needed to find something that I could do and make it a little more creative than straight blocks...which is what I usually do in a pinch...not saying that is bad, but sometimes I like to think I can do more. Enter Camille's book Simplify and the pattern Coming Home...easy peasy, one charm pack, some Kona white and the blocks were cut, sewed and ironed in less than 4 hours! I haven't selected the outer boarder yet, want to wait until all the blocks are sewn to decide what I want to do. Although this pattern is a topper size, I think it will be perfect to cover her while she sits and waits to have that
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Mother's Day Surprises
My back is healing well and I am allowing myself about one hour a day of sitting sewing time. I have to get back into the swing of sitting since I return to work next for that, but so very thankful that I have a job to return to and am healthy to return to work. I made a quick pillow for my mom and a pin cushion for my MIL, I have some really cute pin toppers coming in the mail..can't wait to see those! I also have been ooohhing and ahhhing over all the rainbow quilts out there and ordered the bold solid fat quarter sampler from Connecting Threads...I have been a devout Kona solid user, but I am so impressed with the colors and the 'feel' of these solids from Connecting Threads...fat quarters are $1.24 and the bold sampler has 24 fat quarters for $23.76! I have not cut into them yet, so can't comment on how they stand up to washing, but very pleased so far.
I made the small pillow from Moda Martinique, I bought a few fats from the Houston Quilt show this past fall. The pin cushion is Fresh Cut from Heather Bailey...I can't tell you when or where I bought that from but it was a pleasant surprise to find them in my stash!
To all the Mother's out in blogland, have a very blessed Mother's Day. I also say prayers for peace this weekend for those women out there who want so desperately to be a mom. I went through a few long tearful years of infertility and Mother's Day was always a very difficult time for me. I was blessed with twin boys almost 15 years ago, but I still remember how sad it can be.
Lisa....the Rx Quilter!
I made the small pillow from Moda Martinique, I bought a few fats from the Houston Quilt show this past fall. The pin cushion is Fresh Cut from Heather Bailey...I can't tell you when or where I bought that from but it was a pleasant surprise to find them in my stash!
To all the Mother's out in blogland, have a very blessed Mother's Day. I also say prayers for peace this weekend for those women out there who want so desperately to be a mom. I went through a few long tearful years of infertility and Mother's Day was always a very difficult time for me. I was blessed with twin boys almost 15 years ago, but I still remember how sad it can be.
Lisa....the Rx Quilter!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Don't Look Now...presenting Animal Alphabet
Kellie is having another awesome giveaway to promote her newest quilt Animal I have said before, I love everything she creates and her colors are so happy! Pop on over to her blog and plan on staying a while...don't say I didn't warn you!
Each new quilt she comes out with is my 'favorite' that possible!
Good luck and enjoy her blog, you won't be disappointed!
Each new quilt she comes out with is my 'favorite' that possible!
Good luck and enjoy her blog, you won't be disappointed!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Another giveaway...P.S. I Quilt and The Green Fairy!
As you can guess recovering from back surgery does not include time sitting at sewing machine piecing and quilting. I am spending my days discovering so many new blogs out there in blogland. It is truly amazing and inspirational to see such talented people. Because I don't have a background in design or color, I love to see the simplest of quilts to the most challenging and find each one special to the creator.
So for today...I announce a super opportunity to win a fat bundle from The Green Fairy via Rachel at P.S. I Quilt. If you have never been to either gals blog, I suggest you hop on over and plan on staying awhile. Both girls have young babies but still find time to create lovely pieces of work.
I hope in the next few weeks I will be able to start sewing again and will have more to blog about than giveaways!

g i v e a w a y ! ! !
today's featured sponsor is green fairy quilts.
yall should get to know them & their shop.
cute stuff. promise.

So for today...I announce a super opportunity to win a fat bundle from The Green Fairy via Rachel at P.S. I Quilt. If you have never been to either gals blog, I suggest you hop on over and plan on staying awhile. Both girls have young babies but still find time to create lovely pieces of work.
I hope in the next few weeks I will be able to start sewing again and will have more to blog about than giveaways!

g i v e a w a y ! ! !
today's featured sponsor is green fairy quilts.
yall should get to know them & their shop.
cute stuff. promise.

Friday, April 8, 2011
Attention, Attention...and a fab giveaway!
Happy Friday to all...I first want to let y'all know that one of my all time favorite blogs..Don't Look Now is having a giveaway. I love, love all of Kellie's patterns and I have purchased 3 of them already along with a stash of bright fabrics to someday start on...I am still a little intimidated. She is an amazing designer and I hope to take a class of hers at a fall international festival in Houston in the future. Stop by, check out her blog and all of her amazing works..don't forget to leave a comment on her blog to be entered in the giveaway!
Kellie's In Spring quilt...isn't just amazingly beautiful???

And lastly...I had back surgery two weeks ago, so my quilting time has been temporarily put on hold....this hasn't stopped me from buying way too much fabric...but my sewing time and posting of new quilts will have to wait while I recover.
Have a super great weekend,
Kellie's In Spring quilt...isn't just amazingly beautiful???
And lastly...I had back surgery two weeks ago, so my quilting time has been temporarily put on hold....this hasn't stopped me from buying way too much fabric...but my sewing time and posting of new quilts will have to wait while I recover.
Have a super great weekend,
Monday, April 4, 2011
Jaybird Quilts-Fabric Shoppe Giveaway!
Hop on over to Jaybird Quilts for an awesome opportunity to win one of two fabric bundles from the Fabric Shoppe. I have bought plenty of fat bundles from the Fabric Shoppe and can say that the bundles are beautiful and she has super fast driving into town! Good luck!
Hop on over to Jaybird Quilts for an awesome opportunity to win one of two fabric bundles from the Fabric Shoppe. I have bought plenty of fat bundles from the Fabric Shoppe and can say that the bundles are beautiful and she has super fast driving into town! Good luck!
I'd like to introduce to you...
Fabric Shoppe!!
Fabric Shoppe is an online quilt shop that specializes in modern fabrics. The #1 word I always associate with Fabric Shoppe is FUN! Jody is the woman behind it all... and she stocks her shop full of fun & bright fabrics that make me want to play.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Have you seen what is new at Accuquilt today???
AccuQuilt has gone above and beyond this time! Place an order online this weekend and receive a free gift you would never receive anywhere else! Share this April Fool's joke with all of your friends by clicking on the Facebook, Twitter, and Email icons. Don't forget to "Like" this page as well! Tell us how you are going to use this free gift with purchase. sion-scissor-lite-5-pink-2.htm
Go check it out for a little April Fool's fun...supposedly the CEO knows nothing about this yet!
AccuQuilt has gone above and beyond this time! Place an order online this weekend and receive a free gift you would never receive anywhere else! Share this April Fool's joke with all of your friends by clicking on the Facebook, Twitter, and Email icons. Don't forget to "Like" this page as well! Tell us how you are going to use this free gift with purchase.
Go check it out for a little April Fool's fun...supposedly the CEO knows nothing about this yet!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Another great Plaid Scottie Giveaway again with another destash giveaway alert....go to
for a chance to win a fat quarter bundle of Ta Da Rainbow dots and a Dot doll quilt. This is a great blog, hop on over, you won't be disappointed!

for a chance to win a fat quarter bundle of Ta Da Rainbow dots and a Dot doll quilt. This is a great blog, hop on over, you won't be disappointed!

Monday, March 28, 2011
A little bit of sunshine gets us through the storm
Sometimes when things seem so dreary, little bits of sunshine poke through the clouds. I have not been a consistent blogger..something I hope to change in the near future, but have been away recently due to the preparation for and having my second back surgery to fix a disc that herniated about 3 1/2 years ago. All the 'things' I like to do involve sitting on my rumpasaurus for hours at a time...quilting especially. Not something good for someone with a back problem! My back issue, coupled with my husband trying to find a teaching job in this crazy education crisis has caused some really black clouds to hang out over our house lately. I must state first and foremost that my faith in Jesus is getting me through each day, knowing that all of this is for his glory.
That being said, in the last few days I have received two totally awesome emails that have made me smile and want to jump for joy!
First I received an email from 'Accuquilt' that I have been selected to chose and blog about 3 dies of my choice! Wow cool is that..I hoped to demonstrate the Go itself, but ended up buying my own since I hadn't heard back. I love my Accuquilt and have already bought quite a few dies, but can't wait to show y'all those and the 3 I select.
Then today, I opened up my email and found out that I won the giveaway from Beyond The Reef blog by Natalie. I won the book Modern Basics by Amy Ellis! I have had my eye on this book, and to win deal! Go see Natalie, she has a lovely blog
Ok, I think I have rambled enough for now, just wanted to share my excitement with people who also know the excitement of winning fabric, quiliting books etc.
Have a great day and remember that after every storm, the sun will shine again!
That being said, in the last few days I have received two totally awesome emails that have made me smile and want to jump for joy!
First I received an email from 'Accuquilt' that I have been selected to chose and blog about 3 dies of my choice! Wow cool is that..I hoped to demonstrate the Go itself, but ended up buying my own since I hadn't heard back. I love my Accuquilt and have already bought quite a few dies, but can't wait to show y'all those and the 3 I select.
Then today, I opened up my email and found out that I won the giveaway from Beyond The Reef blog by Natalie. I won the book Modern Basics by Amy Ellis! I have had my eye on this book, and to win deal! Go see Natalie, she has a lovely blog
Book Giveaway WINNER is.....
c o n g r a t u l a t i o n s
l i s a
l i s a
"Hi, I am now a follower and 'like' you on FB.
Wow, the biggest quilt is easy to remember, it was a smallest, probably the 20x20 Christmas quilt
for the Children's Hospital here in San Antonio.
I would love to win this book, have seen so many great reviews! Lisa in Texas"
Wow, the biggest quilt is easy to remember, it was a smallest, probably the 20x20 Christmas quilt
for the Children's Hospital here in San Antonio.
I would love to win this book, have seen so many great reviews! Lisa in Texas"
Ok, I think I have rambled enough for now, just wanted to share my excitement with people who also know the excitement of winning fabric, quiliting books etc.
Have a great day and remember that after every storm, the sun will shine again!
Friday, March 11, 2011
The Plaid Scottie Destash Give Away!
There is a great destash give away going on over at the Plaid Scottie..although like all give aways...I want to win too...especially the KJR bundle! Go check her out!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Wanna win an Accuquilt Go Baby?
Just letting anyone or everyone that stops by my 'baby' blog that there is a give-away going on here:
I am not good about this 'linking' stuff, but this is wonderful blog that I check out almost everyday!
Good luck, but not too much....I want to win :)
Just letting anyone or everyone that stops by my 'baby' blog that there is a give-away going on here:
I am not good about this 'linking' stuff, but this is wonderful blog that I check out almost everyday!
Good luck, but not too much....I want to win :)
Monday, February 28, 2011
Boys Will Be Boys
My precious nephew William was born on December 27, 2010. This quilt is in the mail to him now! My first attempt at a design I made up as I went along. I love the monkey fabric, from David Walker called 'Boys Will Be Boys' with a little Monaluna and Kona thrown in. I am very happy with how it turned out. The last photo is my new project with my Accuquilt Go Arabesque #3 die. I tried my best to win an Accuquilt but never did :( so I saved up from my 'moonlighting' job and broke down and I bought myself one. I love it, it is so much fun, so easy and the results are beautiful!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Finally Finished!
I did it...I finally finished my son's quilt! The top has been done for almost a year but I constantly struggle with quilting larger tops on my machine..I have a Bernina 180E and love, love it but I find the quilting process hard. Someday my ship will come in and I will be able to afford a long-arm machine. This process did get me in the mind-set to quilt WIP and actually finished a baby quilt for my new nephew William...he is only two months old, so not too late on the timing. I will post a picture of the completed quilt soon. Hope everyone is having a great Thursday..looking forward to the weekend always.
(The quilt was made with Urban Couture by Basic Grey for Moda using 5 and dime pattern)
Monday, February 14, 2011
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