Thursday, August 25, 2011

Accuquilt Go! How I love thee!

In February, I finally broke down and bought an Accuquilt Go! and I must say I do luv it!  The wonderful team at Accuquilt sent me an email that I had been selected to choose 2 dies and blog about them...this all happened about the same time that I had my back finally I am able to blog about the time-saving, super fun Go!  In addition to the 2 dies I received, I have also purchased a few  many dies that have made cutting out quilt pieces a breeze.  Two that I will show you pics of below are the 2 1/2" strip die which cuts 3 x 2 1/2" at at time and the 5"x5" charm die.  These dies alone are a necessity if you like Charms and Jelly Rolls like I do!  The most important lesson I learned this week is to position your fabric with the straight of grain vertically on the die....I cut out 80+ solid 5"x5" not on the grain only to find out that they measured at 5"x4 7/8" when I tried piecing my blocks and they didn't match up with my Moda Charm pack. The gals at Accuquilt were so friendly when I called to express my concern that my die was not perfect...I was advised to cut on the straight grain and 'test' the die with a piece of paper..did that and it cut a perfect 5"x5" square..thanks Michelle!
Now on to the pictures..the first ones are for a quilt I am making using Moda French General La Petite Ecole and I needed a lot of 2 1/2" strips...the Accuquilt made this a breeze...along with my new Bernina 57 1/4" foot..the seam guide makes all the difference for me!  The second set of pictures are going to be a wonky star Countdown to Christmas quilt....another Moda line I just love! 


  1. Ok. How have I missed your blog? I feel like I'm having a big alzheimer's moment!!! I saw at PrettybyHand that you're going to market? And that you're a Kellie fan? I hope you'll come by the booth and introduce yourself to us. Did you come by last year? You'll LOVE Kellie's stuff up close and personal!
